Palm Pasen sticks
The Palm Pasen tradition takes place on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. The tradition involves binding two sticks together in the shape of a cross, and then decorating the cross with crepe paper, garlands, fried fruit and other decorations, and prodding a hen shaped bread on the top. Easter sticks complete, the children then go on a jolly procession while singing Easter songs, and at the end of their walk they have a little feast. I used to do this tradition as a child with my nursery school, and it seems to be more of a tradition for young children and nurseries rather than adults.
We start by foraging for good sticks!
Tie two sticks together into a cross shape
Get cutting
You’ll want to cut lots of colourful ribbons!
Wrap the sticks in crepe paper.
Use glue to stick crepe paper to the base of the stick, and keep the stick upright in a vase.
Tie ribbons in knots
The easiest way to attach crepe ribbons to the cross is simply by tying them with a knot.
To keep it simple, we just used a bread dough mix (the kind where you just add water). We made the feathered tail by cutting into the dough with scissors.